Leafing Out
Kaffee Kang

Leafing Out

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A close-up look at the leaves of a young sapling. Depending on where the light shines, the leaves on the same tree can vary considerably.

Oil on Canvas by Kaffee Kang

Size: 20x16

About Kaffee Kang
Some people love to travel, to see other lands, to experience different cultures, to sample exotic cuisines, and even to learn a foreign language. But often, we cannot travel because it is too expensive, or we have obligations at home, or there is a worldwide pandemic, or, simply, we are homebodies. That is when art comes into play. A good book, the latest movie, or even a new song on the radio can take us far away, to a different place and perhaps a different time. Paintings can do the same thing. Regardless of the subject matter, I have come to realize that what I enjoy most about making paintings is presenting a new perspective to the viewer. Sometimes, my paintings share a personal story from my past. Sometimes, I make commentaries on the state of our current world. And sometimes, I just look at things around me with a unique visual focus. Expect the unexpected.

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